RE Meeting with Karen LoBracco
Date(s) - 17 Mar 2013
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Southwest Unitarian Universalist Church
6320 Royalton Rd.
North Royalton, OH 44133
Karen LoBracco is our district Lifespan Faith Development consultant and has worked with
congregations of all sizes with both volunteer and professional leadership. She happens to be
coming through our area and has carved out some time for us this weekend. We have some work to
do to discern our vision for SWUU’s RE program and what kind of position to create before hiring
a DRE. What do we want? What do our kids want? What’s possible? Karen will help us begin
answering these questions and will be able to answer questions about how to go about hiring a DRE
and what a DRE can (and can’t) provide for a congregation.
I will be ordering pizza to make the evening easier for all and kids are welcome to come and play with their friends.
Please let me know how many to expect from your family, though I will order extra pizza for those who decide at the
last minute.